The Importance of a Beautiful Smile

The importance of a beautiful smile is becoming more and more noticeable with the social media age. When we are looking at ourselves more and more in the perception of images and videos it is easy to get hung up on the imperfections.

Studies show that a straighter, more beautiful smile can help you to become more confident and successful and be perceived as such by others.

A more beautiful smile can help your self-esteem, your social standing, and can open opportunities to you that you otherwise would not have had. However, a great smile is something that takes a lot of effort and dedication throughout your life.

We would love to help you achieve that picture-perfect smile to the best of your ability. Learn more about how a more beautiful smile can benefit you and how you can achieve it!

Healthy Smiles Take Work

To have a beautiful smile, you have to take extra care of your teeth. You should do this through proper oral health hygiene practices, which includes brushing and water flossing your teeth every single day. It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Take note that it says “at least”. This means that you can brush and floss your teeth even more than those recommended amount of times each day, although make sure you are taking care while doing so.

In fact, brushing and flossing after every meal can significantly reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. It may seem like work to do this routine of brushing and flossing every day but that is necessary to maintain a healthy lasting smile.

Think about it this way:

  • To keep your whole body healthy, you must have solid, healthy habits that take up a part of your every day.

  • To keep a healthy figure you must take time to eat right and to exercise. In order to have healthy eyes, you need to visit your eye doctor.

  • To keep your teeth healthy, you have to take time to clean them as well as visit your dentist.

A healthy smile takes work, but it is well worth the benefits that come alongside that.


The Importance of a Beautiful Smile

Not only are healthy smiles great for you, but they are also more beautiful for you, but for others.

A beautiful smile can impact the level of self-esteem you have as well as confidence. In fact, studies show that those who have a straighter, more beautiful smile tend to be more confident. They also are perceived as more confident and successful by their peers.

For adults a straighter smile made them appear more successful in others.

In many cases, it also helped them be more confident so that they actually were more successful.

  • Between studying people with straight smiles versus those with crooked smiles, the ones with straight smiles were perceived as smarter and in 75% of cases, more trustworthy.

  • People also perceived them as having more dates and as more attractive.

  • Those with a straighter, more beautiful smile were also more likely to get a job (almost twice as likely as someone with a crooked smile).

This proves the importance of having a beautiful smile.

How do Smile Bar Aligners Work?

Many want to achieve a straighter smile, but many don’t like the look of metal braces and wires showing on their teeth and the discomfort that goes along with it. Especially at a later age nobody wants to join the braces club. This is where teeth-straightening aligners treatment is beneficial.

Aligners are nearly invisible braces that are custom-made for your teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, it doesn’t use metal braces and wires, instead, it uses clear, plastic aligners that gradually push your teeth in their desired position.

Each tray is manufactured to be slightly straighter than the previous tray and these are worn for two weeks. Every two weeks, you’ll wear a new set. Almost invisible aligners that are custom-made for your teeth. Each tray slowly moves the teeth up to 0.25 mm per tray.

Aligners Treatment Timeline

The average treatment time for Aligners is 6 months. However, it still depends on the severity of the case of an individual. The treatment time will also vary for teens. 


Aligner Kits is a great alternative to metal braces, but it still has limitations. There are cases where traditional braces work more effectively than aligners. Aligners are geared towards moderate cases and it is not as effective at treating severe bite issues which will need more advanced treatments. 

Generally, Aligners can treat the following:

  • Crowded teeth

  • Mild overbite

  • Gapped Teeth

Benefits of Aligners

  • You can remove your aligners when you eat or drink. Therefore you won’t have any restrictions compared to traditional braces.

  • Aligners are virtually invisible, which means it is a perfect choice if you don’t want to have metal brackets and wires showing when you smile.

  • Brushing and flossing are easier with Aligners because you can remove these Aligners when brushing and flossing. This makes it easy to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

  • You can remove the aligners temporarily when taking photos, participating in sports, or any other special occasion.

  • More affordable prices

  • Removable and comfortable

Although it may seem pricey when you first research it the benefits of a straighter smile can be greatly beneficial in many aspects of your life. Whether it be internally happier, externally within social groups, careers and confidence it is so important to look after your teeth.

Regardless of if it’s teeth whitening or an aligner it is incredibly worthwhile to invest in yourself and your beautiful smile.


What your aligner journey will look like